Feather Duster "losing its head"


Has anyone ever had a feather duster come out of its tube? If so, do you have any idea why it might do that and if there is something I should do about it? ...maybe this is normal


Active Member
usually they come out of their tubes to die. rarely they move and build a new tube, but usually they just die. sorry.


Active Member
i have had one come out and be gone for a couple of months then came back into the tube it was in so there is hope


AWWWE I love my featherduster

Well, I put on my gloves and picked it up...its feathers were out in all its glory and it still looks great so I slipped it back in its tube, it slid right in there and it goes in and out like it is supposed to...only time will tell...that's safer than leaving it move around unprotected, I have some mean hermits!


Active Member
Are you feeding it? They usually move to find food or get better flow to find food, it may just jump out again.


You said you just lut it into the tank? Did you acclimate it properly, it sounds like stress to me! But Feather dusters are actually known to throw thier heads from time to time, either looking for better flow for food or maybe just not happy with the spot they are in!
I have a couple and my clowns have bonded, it agravates the dusters so much they spit off thier heads and the clowns follow it all over the tank! It's actually very funny to watch them trying to lay in it as it rolls with the flow!


I just put the "food" in the tank. I have had the duster for about 3 months. It has been happy as a lark, but the past week I have been having to beat my hermits off of it....possibly that is why?