Feather Duster: Natural Enemies???


Active Member
Are there any natural enemies of feather dusters? What are the requirements of keeping one healthy?
Thanks in Advance,
Feather Dusters are beneficial for your tank there filter feeders and do absolutley nothing but eat, but no care needed just leave and let it do its thing
Well all you really do is just place it anywere in the sand were it wont get bothered cause if stressed out the crown might fall off, or you can just place him anywere in your live rock that it wont fall off. Also somewere that the food will go to it


Active Member
Enemies? Angelfish, triggers, sometimes tangs, I've had sexy shrimp pick at my feather duster and cause it to throw it's crown. Lots of stuff will try and eat them, most reefsafe fish are fine with them. They are filter feeders so they will do best in a mature reef tank, should be fed live and dried phytoplankton. The smaller indo ones do better than the larger Hawaiians and come in nice bright colors.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp supposedly are natural tube worm hunters. My juvi CBA took out all the hitchhikers that I had in a few weeks.


I've got two feather dusters and i would just bury them in the sand and leave them alone.... make sure they are not in a place where they get ALOT of current, they don't like it. when i first put mine in my tank they would stay inside the tube for awhile and when they did come out they immediatly got scared and went back in....so i moved them away from the current and they love it there...doin great now!