feather duster not coming out


My big feather duster wont come out. I touched it, it went in and has been in all day? I touch it and can feel it go in farther...is it ok?


Active Member
Need a lot more info. Is the duster new? What is in the tank with it? And is it in a high flow area?
Also.......QUIT TOUCHING IT. If it was spooked by a fish or something, you touching it will spook it more. If it dies the stem that is showing will die with it, so you will know this.


Its about a week old...It's been doing great..just not coming out today...Didnt know if there was anything I had to do. If I needed to move it somewhere else...(just asking questions, so dont get fussy with me...)


Active Member
I'm not getting fussy with you and sorry if you felt I was. This was not my intention.

Since the duster is a week old, it may be just really skiddish. If it is in a high flow area, it will most likely retreat. They like movement, but not to be directly blasted with current. They also like to be up against some rocks, they anchor to the rock. Do you have any fish that may be picking at it?
Good luck with it, keep us posted.


O no, i was just teasing...I dont know much about feather dusters, so im glade you told me this. Thanks for your help man...He did come out for a while...His tube part, at the top where it is out, is bent now..used to be straight...thist norm..right?


Active Member
Yes the tube will often times become crimped, but not to be concerned.
If the feather part (the crown) should fall off the worm is stressed, but usually will regrow if left alone.
I would just leave it alone and see what happens. Here are a pic of one of mine. See how I have it tucked into the rockwork. This is where they like to be.