Feather Duster Question


Can anyone tell me if my Feather dusters will Return?
I noticed about 2-3 weeks ago my live rock was covered with small water filtering feather dusters and tubes...
I haven't seen the feathers out and about and I'm wondering if they've migrated to the big duster patch in the sky?
The water Parms haven't change in 3 weeks or so.. I test just about every week...
Everyone in the tank seem happy and all....

Thks Guys


New Member
My peppermint Shrimp got to mine, but many people don't have the problem of pepps eating theirs. I must say I feed very little so I keep the cleaning crew hungry, however, after I got rid of My pepps a few came back but nothing to brag about. Personally I would replace dusters with xenia next time but pepps for me I don't think so unless my tank is of a large size they messed with everything.


Salinthy 1.022-1.023 (no refractometer yet)
PH 8.2-8.4
Alkalinty is High according to my cards (no numbers just "High"
Nitrates/ites are Blue... and my cards don't show blue on the Red Sea.. I've tested the RO water and they are the same...
Ammonia is 0
Temp flcutuates between 78.1-79.7 after the lights goe out...
Temp in the house is kept aroun 73...
They held steady for weeks..
Tank was moved but over a yr old...
CS approx 4in
approx 90-100 lbs of live rock
VHO lighting... 4 bulbs Act. and Super Actin 48" (need to be changed) Ice Cap Ballast


New Member
Coral Banded you might be on to something. It varies from tank to tank but the tiny feather dusters that come on live rock and duster cluster size are prime time. Keep an eye on him. That is why I only keep cleaner shrimp to high a risk to take with a reef for me, but they are great looking shrimp one of my favorite.


Crumb snatchin little.....

He keeps that up and I'm going to wait till he molts and feed him to the file fish....
If he indeed is doing it... :D


Its possible they have threw there feathers. They will detach there feathers and it takes a few weeks for them to grow back, but whats the odds they all did it at the same time. So im prolly wrong.



Originally posted by wayway
Its possible they have threw there feathers. They will detach there feathers and it takes a few weeks for them to grow back, but whats the odds they all did it at the same time. So im prolly wrong.

you are complitley right. they do that when water parameter are not right or after a stressfull situation. . when i first got my fisrt FD he never show up. only at night. but nigh he comes out every 5 minute. and he stay a long time out


I thought mine bit the dust as well. But they returned in a different location a few weeks later. Water Qual has alot to do with it. they are filter feeders - I got a product called selcon concentrate which is a fatty acid which most of the foods lack. I use that 2-3 times per week (soak your food in it after you thaw it and then put it in water (read the dosage for your tank size first) and you are good to go. the feathers came back and look awesome. it helps live rock as well. Very happy with results. I have a coral banded and a few peppies and they havenot munched on my feathers.


Sounds like a good idea...
I did see one or two in the never regions of the my rock today...
I'll look a the LFS for that stuff.
Would ZOE that I fee the Angel for HLLE do the same thing?


read the details before using anything. keep in mind that the feather duster is really a worm and they do tend to move around a bit especially when unhappy. I would not write them off just yet. Also, you should do a little off board research on the suggestions you are getting, even from me. It is really important that you keep in mind that I am not looking at your tank or your peramiters.
Much luck to you.