feather duster question


Just got a small shipment in of some stuff..
so far.. REALLY not impressed with the place i ordered from.. but that's another story..
Anyways.. i ordered 2 feather dusters.. different varieties... one came in fine... stalk in place.. hiding inside (to be expected). HOWEVER, the other is looking bad.. 1/2 it's stalk looks tor up.. so think u can see thru it. I don't think he's hardly got enuf stalk to go all the way in - as he is sticking fully out, and look'n a bit scraggled.
My question - what should be done to salavage him?? Should the weak part of the stalk be cut? Left alone? Will it take care of itself? How do you know when the feather duster is 'dead', 'stressed' etc.. What can i do to help his recovery??


Well, first off, did you contact the company that you received the shipment from and inform them that it came in damaged? If not, I would highly suggest it. Even if it is not covered under any type of guarantee, they will know you were dissatisfied and they might work on improving their packing or shipping methods. Does the worm move at all? Is it reactive to light changes? If it doesn't move, chances are it's already dead. If it moves, place it carefully in a spot where there isn't too much current and see if it will rebuild it's den. I have had several come just the way you have described, and only one made it through, but perhaps you will get lucky.


Well... i doubt i'll use the service again anyways... and i DOUBT it would be worth contacting them OR trying to utilize their warrantee.
I placed a $200 order - they held up shipping 1 day - because a mushroom rock i had ordered wasn't in for the size i ordered. The next size up was $5.00. They held up an order for 1 day to contact me for $5.00???? That's 2.5% of the entire ORDER! Customer service - they shoulda upgraded it - made an estatic customer happy who would have reordered perhaps.
NOW.. before we even GET to the order coming in - for $5.00 - they have lost all my future business.
Regarding the duster - it has gone insdie and out just a "TAD" - as said.. only seems to have enuf of a den that is about 2" long. I think he is now fully inside, but still sticks out about 1/2 an inch. But he is also suspended from the top (as I acclimate them) under very intense light. The other duster which is fine - has come out now a tad.
Their WARRANTEE states everything to be alive for 5 days - else they will replace it. BUT as with most onlie orderig you have to PAY to ship the dead carcus back. For that cost - I can go buy one at the LFS.
I'm simply itneresting and doing all i can to save this one. The den looks like it use to be about 6" long. The back 4" or so looks THIN..so think u can see right thru it. Should this be CUT or left alone??
HOW do u recognize if he is stressed, dying or DEAD? I don't think he is yet.. but how will i know when he is (if he doesn't make it)? Also, howm uch in the way of toxins do they actually admit? They don't seem to be like an anemonia or anything - seems like it would be quite minimal.
I'm hope'n he pulls thru - just wanna be armed with as much knowledge as possible to do for it what i can.


*bump* anyone have 'save the feather duster' info??
it seems to be out fully extended.. with 2 antenna probes out.. just wondering what i should do about the damaged den - leave it alone; snip it off; etc.. Anything to feed him that he will grasp on?? Anything to be watching for him if he goes downhill fast?