Feather Duster


Yes, many are very, very small, like microscopic. You will see them grow over time, but they start out very tiny.


Active Member
there are many types of feather dusters/tube worms - most of them are the small variety. the ones you see the pet stores sell are actually the giant ones from Mexico and Hawaii.


Don't know for sure, but I think it would all depend on the quality of the LR to start with, also light, and water conditions. I've had my LR for 3-4 months now and things are just starting to come out! I myself am trying to figure out if I have a feather duster that I just noticed the other day. :yes:
Someone else can probably tell you better, so this will give you a bump and my 2 cents as well. :D
Good Luck with your tank!


My tank has been set up since Feb 20th and I probably have discovered at least 15 feather dusters. But then again...I have about 250 lbs of LR.
Saltwater is so much FUN!