Feather Duster


Our feather duster lost its crown a couple days ago. The worm woul peak out every now and then but this morning he was half out of the worm sack thing?? Is this normal? He doesn't seem to be going back in? Will he go out and make a new sack too or is he dying?


Active Member
So you know why it lost it's crown. This often happens from stress (such as a new tank, poor water quality, etc).
If you can eliminate stress (e.g. improving water quality), they will usually regenerate their feathers.


I also have had something weird go on with my feather duster. I have had a few dusters for a while and everything has been going fine. About 2 weeks ago I added one of the color dusters to my tank and it never seemed to like any spots I put him in and was always ending up all over the tank in different places. Well the other day I saw the tube on the sand and there wasn't any movment from it and no crowns coming out. Then at night I looked harder and there were crowns coming out of the sand a few inches away from the tube. I thought the worm threw the crowns. Well as I looked hard and put my face up to the tank the crown quickly went back into the sand. Then a few seconds later came out slowly just like they do when the worm is in the tube. I believe the worm made a hole and is using the sand as he did the tube. Is this normal? Can he survive in the sand like that or will he die? Thanks


New Member
Read the info about Featherdusters on this site. My featherduster likes being on a rock near midway in my tank. Also an fyi hermit crabs ate 2 of my dusters. I got rid of the hermits.