feather duster


are these things nocturnal, mine comes out only when the lights are out, it will let me shine a flashlight on it, but i can't even turn on my 20w actinic without it hiding, is this normal?


yeah, it is about 4", when i first put it in stayed out, but it was very hungry, the lfs had it in an empty tank, the second day it didn't come out and i thought something was wrong, but when i turned out the lights it came right out, my fish did pick at it a little the first couple days, maybe it is hiding from the fish?


Feather dusters are not photosynthetic.....they're filter feeders....so the lights really shouldn't have any effect on them. I think, as you observed, yours is hiding from the fish when the lights are on. When the lights go off, I suspect your fish pretty much go into hiding themselves, so the duster feels safe showing himself.
Dusters acclimate differently. I just bought one that didn't come out at all for almost a week. Yours should get used to its neighbors and start being out....when the fish leave him alone.


Do you know if these creatures grow new tops if the one comes off. One of mine popped it top, but it looks like it is holding itself closed like it is busy. Any ideas???


they are filter feeders (need phytoplankton), are not light sensitive - they should be out all the time, they are not particularly sensitive to water quality, and they do grow their feathers back if they ever 'pop theier tops"


Blew his top when he got stressed (my fault). Took about 2 weeks and he grew it back. His tube was closed for that whole 2 weeks, then he was really shy for another week or so. Now he's pretty much out all the time.