Feather dusters? Copepods?

violet puff

New Member
Hey, whatsup everyone? I've been noticing had these little white worm looking things popping up in my tank starting a few weeks ago. They're about 1 centimeter long (some are bigger, some are smaller) attached to rocks, although there are some in the overflow side filter and in the sump. Again, they're white, they almost look like a shrimp or a worm, they dont move though, and they are very spongy and squshable. Fish seem healthy- I've got a pork puffer, snails hermits and 2 cleaner shrimp. I'm attaching a ghetto MS Paint picture of them (hehe). I've been searching for them, cant find what they are are! They have a circilar fan like tail, so I was thinking they were a feather duster, but they just started growing every where. what are they?!

violet puff

New Member
well, heh, to reply to my own post- I went to the LFS today and asked our guy about them. He says that they are a filter-feeder sponge and are no threat to the fish, usually grow on rocks or places that are out of the direct light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by violet puff
well, heh, to reply to my own post- I went to the LFS today and asked our guy about them. He says that they are a filter-feeder sponge and are no threat to the fish, usually grow on rocks or places that are out of the direct light.
They are common Feather Dusters..


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
more likely a qtip sponge
That's a first for me. What's a qtip sponge. I need a picture.


good info. They grow like crazy in my sump. I like them because they give me something else to look at. They wont hurt a dang thing