Feather Dusters



I have a fairly new 30gal set up i have a brown and white feather duster it looks like a Y shape.. is it multipling?? i s it common for the clown fish to host or play in the feathers?? :)


Active Member
Featherdusters dont multiply by splitting like anemones do. I dont think they are they are probly just 2 together or 1 that looks like 2. And some clowns will even host corals if there is not an anemone for them.


Active Member
Are the feather dusters coming out of the same hole? Is the feather duster on a rock or in a tube? If it has two dusters coming from one hole, and is coming out of a rock, it is a christmas tree worm.
There is also another species of duster with short, pink feathers. I think the common name is coco duster or something.


my feathers are of all types some on rock and in tubes. i got a cluster and some attached to rock.. the brown one just lost its top.. they are interesting creatures.. what are some other kinds of worms that i could put in my tank that are safe and won't cause damage to the tank? thanks for your input its been helpful.. Thanks Amanda


Active Member
Coco Worms there the only other one I know of. There are many diffrent colors of Coco and Featherdusters thats really the only 2 I have heard of. Coco worms look alot diffrent than featherdusters and have alot bigger price tag.


my feather duster died it lost its top left its tube. my leavels are good except my calcium its low. we are using a supplement now it has brought it up.. what could be the problem..


Active Member
Are you sure it's dead? I read somewhere that thw worms will throw their crowns(feather) every once in a while and they will even leave their tubes to move and make another somewhere else in the tank. Maybe it didn't like where you had it in the tank?


New Member
Okay, I am so curious now. I do not know what a feather duster is... I am very new to fish tanks....... I will be so smart after reading and chatting with everyone



jenncarrol they have them for sale in the inverts section on here, you can see a picture and read a little about them there