Feather Dusters


No, I don't have a protein skimmer. What kind do you suggest for my 29 gal and my 55 gal that I'm having the same problem with.
what is cleaning the filter media with aged water. How do I do that.


New Member
sorry to cahnge subject, but when you change water, how do you do it and do you put in newly mixed salt water


I mix up the saltwater the night before. I will take several gallons out and put in fresh saltwater.
Am I doing it all wrong.

the reef

Originally Posted by neev
No, I don't have a protein skimmer. What kind do you suggest for my 29 gal and my 55 gal that I'm having the same problem with.
what is cleaning the filter media with aged water. How do I do that.

if you have a sump I would get one that would go into a sump and maybe a cross bubble action if your going to get a hang on the tank skimmer i would go with a ventrue system you can look up difrent skimmers on the net and compare prices I found most good skimmers are a little bit more expencive.
about cleaning your filter media I sugest cleaning the media with the watter that you draw from the tank or that is in the filter tank. The reason for this is that you dont want to kill off your bilogical filtration that is living in there. If you clean your media with tap watter or freash salt water you could kill off the living bacteria.
What I do is I take out my filter box I then pour out the watter into a 2 gallon bucket and take out all of the media then i rinse each pic of media in the watter I took out and then I put it all back and fill the filter with watter from the tank then aftter my filter is on and running again then I put my freash made salt watter into the tank verry slowly.
sorry forgot to mention I throw away the watter i used to clean my filter media.
I would also sugest cleaning your filter media 2 or 3 times a week untell you get a protin skimmer and get it creating the green waste water. having no skimmer can overwelm the filter and some cases could even cloge the filter.

sinner's girl

I mix up the saltwater the night before. I will take several gallons out and put in fresh saltwater.
yep, that's right. check the sg on the fresh saltwater to make sure it's the same as your main tank. you also want the temp to be the same.


Thanks for all your help. What about buying a skimmer from the classifieds or should you just buy new?