feather dusters


Active Member
IMO they are good. Low to no special lights and are filter feeders. I am looking to buy some myself. The Hawaiian kind are very pretty.


New Member
Hawaiian kind? Are they different than what is on this site? I saw some at my LFS, and they are pretty cool. The picture online doesn't do them much justice.


Active Member
As far as livestock goes... they are ideal reef aquarium animals. No lighting requirements, low maintainance, and very enjoyable to look at. They'll pick up particles in your tank to feed on, you should buy some phytoplankon when you buy these and use some every few days.


Hey, while were talking about feather dusters; I have a question. If they lose their tops (feathery part) are they pretty much dead?? I had LR fall on one of mine and off came its head (so to speak) and I didn't know if it would grow back or what. Sorry for jacking the thread.


"Feather Dusters are known to "throw" their crowns which usually regrow within a few weeks." This is straight from SWF. Both of my large feather dusters have lost their crowns before, and they are right...they grow back pretty quickly. If you see a dead worm coming out of the tube, that would be the sign that it would be dead...but they are pretty hard to kill.


I have had a clump of 3 large ones in my 60 gal for about 2 months now, they are quite hardy! Fish don't seem to like them much!