Feather Dusters????


Active Member
I wanted to try a couple of feather dusters.What are some of the requirments?Will my marine snow liquid plankton work as food for them?what do they really like as placement?Anyone have any pictures?


I have had one in my tank now for the past 4 months. I feed Marine snow 3 times a week. It looks just as heathy today as the day i bought it.
We ordered one from saltwatrefish.com. This little sucker is one of the hardier things in the tank. We tried to remove it from the front of the tank and it shot out of the tube and into the rock it was next to. It is now growing a new tube and is healthy as ever. We don’t feed anything special and is a good indicator if PH is high. I recommend one:D :D
Very interesting!! He gets almost weepy. Normally he is full and is waving in the current. When PH is high the feathers lay on the sand.;)


they can also indicate other paramiter issues. if something is way off in your tank they will pop their heads off (just the feathers and they can grow back.)
they use iodine to build their tubes so you can make them grow more quickly by adding iodine. just make sure you test for it because you CAN overdose.


I just had one leave its tube...should i remove it or leave it in there to add whatever the worm needs to rebuild it?