Featherduster population explosion!


Active Member
I was wondering how featherdusters propagate?
I've got a fairly new reef tank. When I first put my lr in I kept a real close eye on things to see what kind of critters I would get and noticed about 6 small feather dusters over time. Just in the past few days that number has doubled. I've also noticed an increase in coraline algae growth.
These are all good signs, but still curious about the way the dusters have spread. BTW, they are sprouting up on rocks that had no dusters on them. Not visible ones anyway, and my last lr was added July 9th.
Dan'l :D


Active Member
Well, they are pretty small so I have no idea how to move one without taking out the whole rock. I do like the idea of sharing stuff though! :cool:
Take care,
Dan'l :D


Active Member
Once again I will reply to my own message to kick it to the top.
ANYBODY? This is about the third question I've posted on this board and gotten no answer to. Anybody remember the yellow florida anemone? I've got one now, thank you very much, but still don't know that much about it.


Alright, I looked it up for ya...
Check the bottom section of this link:
Some reproduce sexually, some asexually, but either way they produce planktonic larvea that can pretty much develop anywhere in your tank, if they don't end up as food for a coral or something. If yours are asexual (and I think most that come on live rock are), they could probably get out of hand eventually.


Active Member
Thanks DMH! That's quite a site you found! I've read most of it and it helped quite a bit! Appreciate your help. ;)
Take care,
Dan'l :D