Featherduster ???


My featherdusters don't seem to be coming out very much lately...all water parameters are excellent, temp 80, (225g tank) my lighting is only 384w pc, but my MH arrive Tuesday.
My question is this: Do they need special food? Do they need more light?
I have fed invertebrate target food, zooplankton, along with all the other fish foods that enter my tank.
Any ideas what the problem could be? Or suggestions on what I should be checking?


feather dusters are unusually hardy against most things... Essentially lol they're bullet proof. they are worms, therefore require no light. they pretty much filter feed throught the water column so target feeding them is kind of unnecessary... Just leave them be, they'll be fine, they are also quite the regenerators so thats another reason to leave em' alone, they'll regrow themselves.


OK, Thanks...just making sure nothing was wrong....I did read that they shed their head (feathers) and grow more....but mine still have their's only just not fully extended...