

Active Member
Thinkins of ordering some featherdusters from SWF soon. Have not kept them before but I've read on this board that they are rather easy to care for. Appreciate whatever feedback on experiences and basic caring instructions, feeding, conditions, lighting , etc. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
They do not require any special light and the filter things out of the water to eat.


Active Member
that is as basic as it gets, this is why they are probably the easiest invert to keep, as mlm said..........(all of it)...........
the only thing they really needis somewhat good water quality, meaning they are a little more lenient than most others, they also seem to like moderate water flow too, but they do have the ability to relocate, if they really hate their placement


Be careful if you have a huge population of pods, esp amphipods in your tank. I know no one has said anything about this, but now I am 90% sure that those amphipods killed both of my feather dusters. They basically eat the tube slowly, and probably the inside too. Those mean killers :mad: . Other than that, they loved kent micro-vert.


Active Member
wow, stupid naso, i am not sure either way of what you say, but i have a very healthy pod population(many types) adn our dusters are multiplying, in fact we are giving some to friends, and we never bought any at all they came on the rock and just took off, but i am interested to know for sure either way, just for future reference, if no othere reason


fshhub, basically what I was saying is amphipods kill feather dusters. Here are the arguments...
1. Two feather dusters are dead :( .
2. The tube is half eaten and while they were still alive there appeared to be a big hole on the tube.
3. Amphipods are the only critters that goes near the feather dusters, on it, inside it, and around it.
4. Water parameters are fine. Ammo 0, Nitrite 0, Ph 8.2, and Nitrate 20, sg 1.024, temp 78-80.
5. I cannot find anything else that would've caused my feather duster to die.
So from those things I concluded that those amphipods killed my feather dusters, and I'm so close of getting a mandarin goby right now :mad: :D . But no, I want to wait for the pair of false percs <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> .


Active Member
i wasn't asking for arguements, just questioning myself, like i said, for future reference, is all, jsut wondering if or why, tanks though ;)


Active Member
What about fish compatabilty with featherdusters. I currently have mushroom in my semi reef w/ tangs(sohal, yellow and hippo) and angels( emperor and flame). Will these present a problem for the featherdusters??
hey "stupid" :D . i bet it was hermits that killed the dusters, not the pods. i've seen tanks where hermits put holes in the tube and sucked the worm out. ;)
oh yeah, i've seen bristle worms do it too. just givin' ya some more options here since i never seen a pod do anything but get eaten buy fish and corals.


New Member
I just found a feather duster in my live rock. It is tiny, and white. I was wondering what in the world it was. It is only a half inch at the most.
HOw big do they get and do you think my panther grouper will eat it?


most good LR will have feather dusters on it...if the tank & LR remaind healthy more seem to pop out every day...really like it when the calcerious white tubed ones start showing up everywhere


Your fishes will be fine. What's known as feather duster eaters, is butterfly fish. My friends have been keeping two feather dusters with tangs, and angels, even triggers, no problem whatsoever. Feed them microvert or other filter feeder, they should be fine. I apologize for disturbing your post.
Btw, REEF, I know I don't have any bristle worm in my tank, I watch my tank at night in the dark. There is no hermits whatsoever, and no starfish that will be able to harm them. So I still believe amphipods are bad. They are getting more and more annoying everyday. Anyone else disagree? :D
Hope that helps,


FYI - just in case you happen to have emerald crabs, they will eat at feather if they get a hold of them. we had to pull an emerald off my roomate's feather duster one time cause he was eating the tube. if we hadn't have seen it, he probably would have torn it to shreds. been a while since that happened, and the feather duster hasn't been harmed since, but something else to consider if you happen to have these crabs. ;)
I had not idea a feather duster was a worm. Wow, ya learn sumpthin new everyday. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />