Fed up and confused.


The FBI is investigating these fires in SC. They are believed to be Arson. I live in North Georgia, and we are having to conserve water. Some schools have shut down because there wasn't enough water to even flush the toilets. We are in a level 4 drought here. Our local resevoirs have less than 60 days worth of water left. I am not sure what is going to happen here, but we take our water for granted. I pray for the people in Southern California, as well as my own neck of the woods...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
hmmmm.....now they are "thinking" they were intentionally set!

took them awhile to figure that out

I heard that this morning on the news too.
Did you know that statistics prove that global warming has had an impact on the human psycholigical process, directly effecting the part of the brain where one judges the pros and cons of committing an act of arson?


Global Warming is going to kill us all!
Right after Bird Flu kills us all!
Right after Mad Cow Disease kills us all!
Right after the Y2K computer bug kills us all!
Right after the Cold War kills us all!
Wait a second.................
Do I believe Global Warming is a problem, probably?
Do I believe Earth has always been in a constant state of change since it was first formed 4.5 Billion years ago?
You bet I do!
Do I believe the Earth will outlast humans no matter what we do it?
You bet I do!
Do I believe Earth or something happening to Earth (asteroids) almost totally whipped out its inhabitants before AND WILL AGAIN?
You bet I do!
Did you know before the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth that the Earth’s core send up a lava bubble so massive the resulting ash destroyed 95% of Earths Inhabitants? This event killed off more life on Earth then the asteroid that killed the Dinosaurs.
The earth will be here long after us humans are all forgotten.
Anyway I'm off my soapbox!


Active Member
If there weren't any homes catching fire or there weren't any evacuations and it was naturally caused by say lightning, would this be a newsworthy story?
David you forgot SARS, West Nile Virus, and MRSA.


Originally Posted by David24
Anyway I'm off my soapbox!
Yeah, but you'll be back. We all comeback. Soaboxes r good.


Active Member
lol gotta love the left wingers to turn everything into politics. Did you hear hary reed blame global warming then in the same new conference deny he said that?
That whole planet in peril thing is using al gore's movie as a source, that just wipes out any validity right there.


What gets me the most is the statement "We're destroying the planet". But what they really mean, and herein is their real concern, "We're killing ourselves".


Climate can be tracked to an extent by crossections of trees even fossilised ones. The accuracy of this may be debatable however the last two years in a row Pennsylvania has had incredibly mild winters. I know that when i was a kid it wasnt uncommon to get 12- 18 inches of snow all at once several times a year. In the last 5 years we haven't got much more than a couple of inches and that is only a couple of times a year. Last year January was 60* almost every day. There is deffinatly something going on but who knows maby mother nature is just really pissed about all the holes we are drilling in her to take out the oil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by David24
Global Warming is going to kill us all!
Right after Bird Flu kills us all!
Right after Mad Cow Disease kills us all!
Right after the Y2K computer bug kills us all!
Right after the Cold War kills us all!
Wait a second.................
Slacker....you forgot SARS....


Active Member
From my prospective global warming is a non-issue energy conservation and ridding are economy of foreign oil is the issue of concern, yet both global and the foreign oil people can work together and accomplish both goals. About the planet warming I don’t know but if I pitch a temp gage 5 miles in any direction I would find it to be flaming hot.
From it is real smoky here in San Diego CA


Active Member
wouldnt blame it fully...even half heartedly on global warming...they get wild fires every year, just like we do down in the everglades...theres a dry season followed by foilage drying up, then heating up and starting on fine. we also get hurricanes every year long before global warming


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Slacker....you forgot SARS....

Slacker you forgot to read my post lol


Active Member
I am familiar with a couple of the areas where the fires are burning. The Silverado and Ramona areas are both places I went shooting 25 years ago. It isn't that the fires are changing locations. It's the homes. Malibu has burned several times in the last 50 years. Wait until the rains come. Then you will get to hear about the mud slides.


Active Member
My cuz was comming back from Iraq this week, and ended up getting shuffled around because they couldn't get back to san diago. (no one really knows what that means) And my aunt and uncle ended up having to turn around a few times because all these roads were closed and are barily to carlsbad CA having left monday from DFW bc of the fires. IT has been an adventure.

ty williams

New Member
I live in PA and our foliage is taking longer than usual to change colors. Also, the colors that have changed are just as bright as they always were.