Does anyone ever have so many meaningless little problems in a week that they want to just give up? The thing overflowed the skimmer collection jug while I was asleep, still don't know why skimmer went nuts, The massive water loss from skimmer going nuts drained sump, pump burnt up from no water to suck from sump. Lights kicked off from pump burning up, along with that all powerheads stopped due to hooked up with lights. Even worse that I had worked late and got home at 5:30 am and was spent and didn't know it was going to be hot or much less cared at that time. Never turned a/c on and house was hot tank went to 87 degrees. That and no water flow until I woke up upset everything in the tank. Went to buy a new pump and LFS only had one and it's impeller was molded bad and caused cavitation of water sent air into tank made millions of bubbles. Had to take it back drive for 2.5 hours to return with a new pump. Get back home, powerhead has fell off blowing one of my main Xenia colonies into and oblivian. To top it all of I was so mad about it that I had a dream I sold it all to some old couple whowanted to pay me 300 for my mating pair of clowns. I never got the final price in my dream but I hauled it all out for them. Anyone else every have these days?