Fed up with Rio powerheads


Hi fshhub, As a business man, Jeff turned down money because i would have spent more with the mag pumps. But we will leave it at that, right now things are going well. i currently run a rio 3100 for my skimmer, another 3100 for return, and a rio 2500 for my refugium ( turned half way with gate valve ). In my main i have a powersweep 228 and an aquaclear 900 model. waiting on 3 maxi-jet 1200's for more circulation. Tha't about it


you may have spent more on the magdrives, but wholesale on magdrives are higher than rio's........so he made more money on the rio's than he would have with the magdrives...
wholesale price is always somthing to look at along with many other things, just to make sure the salesman isnt pushing crap just so he can make a few more bucks


Active Member
yeah, i know, if my sales man push only $$ then they don't work for me for long,
I base performance on PROFIT, not total sales. I would much rather(as a business man) see 10,000 in total sales from a salesman, if it gives me 6000 in profit, then to see 30,00 or even 50,000 if it means less than taht . and in Retail, this happens alot, higher priced items cost the stores more than lower priced items
As for what is what, come back in a year(+/-) and see what you own then.


Active Member
man i heard RIO was the best powerhead to get for reef aquariums.... anyone ever heard of (hope im spelling this right) Zoomed PowerSweep powerhead, where the the water gets shot left to right...


Active Member
yep, they are good in theory, only
most only last for a couple of months in sw tanks though


Active Member
the rubber eventually disintegrates to the point where they will not hold enough suction. This is a common probalem in sw tanks, nothing we cna do with it, not until we find a different material to make the rubber out of.