fedding a LMB in QT


I acclimated a LMB yesterday into my QT. Right now I have placed a piece of LR from my main in the QT.
Any suggestions on feeding this blenny while he is in the QT?
He is still quite shy. I have caught him moving around the tank a bit but he is quick to relocate when he sees me.
I guess I am looking for some input from others who have successfully added a LMB to their main. Re: feeding, length of QT etc.
please excuse my sexism... I keep saying "he"... it might very well be a she...


Active Member
he could eat Kent ZooPlex while in the QT, and you could rotate some new LRs from your display tank into the QT to provide more pods.


Mine LMB did not eat for a couple of days, I was successful feeding it aquadine duraflakes and it still eats the aquadine in the display and anything else, it is a pig! and fat to prove it..