Wed night I made a SWF order. Pretty much a cleaner crew 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 10 dwarf white leg hermits, 4 irchins, AND 1 POWDER BLUE TANG. I have been in love this this fish forever. Any way I waited at the house all morning. I was fixong the kids lunch and I here the foot steps so I run to the front door and the FEDEX man beat me to the door and I see him
throwing the SWF box on the porch
. I could here a thud from inside the house. He was half way down the drive way before I could open the door. And I called him quite a few names as he got back in the truck but Im sure he herd nothing cause he had his IPOD in his ears. Everything was OK but the fire shrimp. I cant say the the drop had anything to do with it but he didnot make it. The powder blue is doing great. I have no pics yet cause I turned all the lights out as acclimation procedure I follow. But I contacted SWF and will contact Fedex. Just make sure you are there to actually get you package you dont know what they do with it when you dont see it. but when you actually see them throwing them around it kinda makes you sick.