Personally, I don't find things like this "entertaining".... (I can't even stomach thinking about feeding mice to snakes; love the nature shows until feeding time becomes too graphic; don't even like boxing - unless it's a movie, where I know it is staged; and I certainly don't want to be around when they butcher the animal to get my roast; bacon; etc)... Still, I have accepted the fact that it is nature's way... While true that the cichlid is just being a cichlid, the lion would just be being a lion and so would consume the cichlid... To take this particular cichlid to the lfs or even just giving it away knowing the history of aggression could (and probably would) result in injury and/or death of other fish.... So I guess it would all boil down to the death - choosing the "humane", artificial way or a more natural way.... (Because let's face it, we fishkeepers have already disrupted the natural course of things by plucking fish from their natural environment and putting them into our tanks...)... Bottom line is that I'm neutral about your choice - "putting down" or using as food... Could I personally place another fish into a tank knowing that it would be eaten? No.... But I don't feel anyone should be criticized given the reality of facts...