Feed a Cichlid to My Lionfish?


Personally, I don't find things like this "entertaining".... (I can't even stomach thinking about feeding mice to snakes; love the nature shows until feeding time becomes too graphic; don't even like boxing - unless it's a movie, where I know it is staged; and I certainly don't want to be around when they butcher the animal to get my roast; bacon; etc)... Still, I have accepted the fact that it is nature's way... While true that the cichlid is just being a cichlid, the lion would just be being a lion and so would consume the cichlid... To take this particular cichlid to the lfs or even just giving it away knowing the history of aggression could (and probably would) result in injury and/or death of other fish.... So I guess it would all boil down to the death - choosing the "humane", artificial way or a more natural way.... (Because let's face it, we fishkeepers have already disrupted the natural course of things by plucking fish from their natural environment and putting them into our tanks...)... Bottom line is that I'm neutral about your choice - "putting down" or using as food... Could I personally place another fish into a tank knowing that it would be eaten? No.... But I don't feel anyone should be criticized given the reality of facts...


Well, the Cichlid is gone and the V. Lion is full... Here is my reasoning:
My Blue Johanni has killed more fish in the past year than I care to remember. I was "dupped" into purchasing him by being told nothing of his nasty history, (he had been returned to my LFS twice), and I was afraid if I returned him to my LFS someone else would loose their prized fish. I was afraid that if I gave him away, someone would really be getting something they were not prepared for. (I have a bit of experience with Cichlids, especially lake Mbuna Cichlids and this little guy was INSANE.)
When it came time to switch to Salt Water, I made the decision that he had to go. While it is true that cichlids are mean by nature, this little fish was the meanest thing I have ever seen. So, I decided to end his life before he hurt anyone else. I kind of floated between killing him instantly with a flick on the head, or using anasthetic, or feeding him to my V. Lion. At the end of the day, I chose the lionfish method for two reasons:
1. It was somewhat of a natural end. (Although V. Lions don't eat Cichlids in the wild, they do eat fish and he will take much needed nutrients from the Cichlid.)
2. It was FAST. (He never lasted 10 seconds in the tank before my V. Lionfish ate him and the Cichlid was in his belly within 2 gulps.)
All my other cichlids went to a new hobbist andI helped set up his tank. He is one happy camper! At least now I can rest easy knowing the Devil Blue Johanni is gone and will not kill any other prized fish.


Originally Posted by windlasher
that makes absolute sense... LOL - The best form of birth control is spending time with someone elses kids.

5 minutes with my nephews trying to scare my prized fish and I change my mind on every having kids again...


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishLawyer
5 minutes with my nephews trying to scare my prized fish and I change my mind on every having kids again...
........all this discussion leads me to this description: "As scared as fish in a Pediatrician's waiting room tank."


Originally Posted by dreamweaver
Personally, I don't find things like this "entertaining".... (I can't even stomach thinking about feeding mice to snakes; love the nature shows until feeding time becomes too graphic; don't even like boxing - unless it's a movie, where I know it is staged; and I certainly don't want to be around when they butcher the animal to get my roast; bacon; etc)... Still, I have accepted the fact that it is nature's way... While true that the cichlid is just being a cichlid, the lion would just be being a lion and so would consume the cichlid... To take this particular cichlid to the lfs or even just giving it away knowing the history of aggression could (and probably would) result in injury and/or death of other fish.... So I guess it would all boil down to the death - choosing the "humane", artificial way or a more natural way.... (Because let's face it, we fishkeepers have already disrupted the natural course of things by plucking fish from their natural environment and putting them into our tanks...)... Bottom line is that I'm neutral about your choice - "putting down" or using as food... Could I personally place another fish into a tank knowing that it would be eaten? No.... But I don't feel anyone should be criticized given the reality of facts...
HAHAHAHA. You are pathetic. The little sweet ciclid is now a turd on the bottom of fishlawyers tank. And yes, it was quite "entertaining" for me to hear about this poor defenseless little sweet ciclid finally getting his arse handed to him for once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i think its cruel if u do that. bring it back to lfs and it might find a taker. it's just the cichlid's natural behavior to be a terror.
umm, how do you think they eat in the wild?
Originally Posted by small triggers
Id say NO. i mean cichlids are terrors anyways,, so maybe that one is a little worse but that shouldnt mean you sentence him to death. Someone at the fish store may love him and want to put him in their aggressive FW tank.
Always try to keep fish alive even if it is an ugly mean FW fish.
I'd probably do this...
Originally Posted by nycbob

the difference between cichlids and silverside is that cichlids r much more intelligent.

Originally Posted by FishLawyer

I think I will feed it to him, but first I have to say something:
I LOVE THIS FORUM! So, I ask one simple question and I learn a lot of great things like how to make a fish anastetic! I would never learn something cool like that without people like you! (Learned more off this site than anywhere else.)
As for this particular Cichlid, here is why I won't return him or give him away:
This guy is the devil. Afte purchasing him, I learned that he has been returned to the store twice! I have had a lot of Blue Johanni's before, but this guy is just mean! He picks fights with anything. Including rocks, bubbles, other fish and anything else you put in you tank. EVEN MY FINGER!
He single handedly kiled my 8 inch Pleco and two 4 inch red tail sharks. All my fish are going to my assistants son, but there is no way I am letting this little devil get in another tank. (Been keeping cichlids for about 2 years and nothing has even come close to this guy!)
But thanks again guys! Your advice is always great!
Well, personally I'd probably keep him, in a species tank. I had a convict that killed fish 3 times his size. But I stuck him in a 30 gallon, as he was a BEAUTIFUL specimen.
But shame on you for not videotaping it. BTW if you think about it your lion is meaner than your ciclild being that he ate it.


I had a freshwater dogfish that was the most aggressive fish that I have ever seen. He would try to eat so many feeder goldfish at once that he couldn't even close his mouth. He'd end up laying on the bottom with tails sticking out of his open mouth.