Feed anenomes,mushroom.



I have some questions about feeding
1. anenomes? what does meaty foods mean.
2. mushromms do they need food
3. clown i feed it brine flake once a day is that good, should i get some frozen brine too?
4. hermits, and shrimp, should i feed them an algae supplement?
also , my anenome moves around quite a bit and my feather duster just lays on the ground is this normal.
Thanx 4 the help:confused:


Staff member

Originally posted by pakman
I have some questions about feeding
1. anenomes? what does meaty foods mean.
Meaty foods means MEAT. Fish, shrimp, krill, etc. They eat meet, not vegetarian foods such as algae.
2. mushromms do they need food
They are filter feeders, thus, they do eat, but you don't have to feed them. They derive their food from what is in the water columm.
3. clown i feed it brine flake once a day is that good, should i get some frozen brine too?
You can feed them brine, but they need more than just one food source. The more variety in their diet the better.
4. hermits, and shrimp, should i feed them an algae supplement?
Feed them the same as your fish...a good variety of both meaty foods as well as vegetable foods.
also , my anenome moves around quite a bit and my feather
duster just lays on the ground is this normal.
The duster is not going to move. You should place them in a secure area in the rock structure wo damaging their tubes. The anemone is looking for a good place to settle in.
Thanx 4 the help:confused:


thanx for the info
will the clown eat meaty foods?
and do sabae anenomes need a strong light source

s.a. boy

I would not recommend using flake as I find that it caused my phosphate (I think you spell it like that) to go up. I feed my fish Brine, Krill and green food.
I have a
Powder Brown
fire goby
3 Dominos
Yellow Tail Damsel
Coral beauty