feedback on berlin turbo upgrade?


New Member
I currently run a redsea berlin with a magdrive 7 pump on a 90 gal tank with good results. I started off with a rio 2500 that came with the skimmer, but I soon upgraded to the magdrive and saw a significant improvment in performance. What I want is some feed back from anyone who has purchased the turbo upgrade kit. Does it perform that much better? and do you feel it is worth the money? or is my money better spent being put toward a newer high effeciency skimmer, since the berlin is about 2 years old and alot has hit the market since then.
[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: saltshaker ]


New Member
come on now, I know in this vast sea of knowledge some of you out there must have some input for me. Is the turbo kit worth messing with?