Feedback on Elos Aqua Test Kit - Magnesium


Active Member
Anyone use them and what do you think of them? Looking at feedback as this is what's available or should I hold out for salifert mag test kits?


New Member
I've been testing between both Salifert and Elos and so far I've been liking the Salifert kits better. The Mg was the last kit I tested between both these brands and the Salifert seems easier and more more reliable. When testing with Salifert I would always get around 1400's and with the Elos it would vary from 1400 to 1200 testing it the same way every time. Maybe it was just my kit perhaps, but I'm not into the Elos Mg kit anymore.


Active Member
I like the Elos. few more steps than I like (you basically do typical for mg add drops til the color changes but with the Elos you do this twice (the old version had one step). the color change is well defined and complete with the one drop that changes the color so its fool proof. I havent tested it against any other kit (and dont plan to) but its resolution is good enough for my needs. I shoot for 1400mg and if its actually 1200 or 1600 or anything in between thats still adequate. for the record I have never had mg drop more than 50ppm using the kit (normal parameter 1400mg dropping to 1350mg occasionally when it gets low).