Feeder Fish


I have fed feeders occasionally to the triggers I had in the States a few years ago. However every single book I read since is against feeding feeder fish. Mainly because they are not what triggers eat in the wild(feeders are fresh water fish, full of fat). Feeding saltwater feeders is out of the question because they would cost a fortune, plus you risk introducing bacteria and diseases in the tank. Finally there are so many types of prepared food out there today that you really have no reason to feed feeders.
I usually take some time and prepare a mix of clam, squid, octopus, etc that I buy fresh from a market and cut to pieces, freeze and feed portions. Far better than feeders.
Plus I feel sad for the poor feeders....


Dont feed live.
I feed my Triggers a variety.
1) Raw Shrimp...Peel the shell, cut up, and drop in
2) Mysis Shrimp cubes
3) Squid cubes
4) Marine Cuisine
5) Trigger Formula (not too often)


Active Member
i agree with saltfisher... no live food. There are plenty of good frozen foods out there like the ones he mentioned.