Feedind Coral Beauty?


New Member
I've had my coral beauty for 24 hours - it's doing fine, but I want to know what it is most likely to eat?


Active Member
cb likes to pick on rocks all day long, which is a majority of its diet. u can also try mysis shrimp or frozen food made for angels (foods that contain algae and sponges). most angels hv very specific needs in their diet. without it, most dont do well long term.

crypt keeper

Active Member
try algae sheets. I gave mine befor emy eel ate it everything. pygmy angel forumla. angel formula with sponges. mysis. clams. squid. it ate it all. use supplements. garlic zoecon selcon.
Mine eats pellets, Formula one & two flakes, mysis, brine, seaweed and Naso Tang poop(I guess it likes whatever he eats as well).


Mine eats everything...I don't use a lot of pellets and flakes though....BUT I also buy mega marine angel....and mega marine algae
along with mysis, brine, marine cuisine, emerald entree, spirulina, bloodworms, etc etc...oh algae sheets, and algae flakes


Active Member
The first good sign is that the fish should start picking at live rock very shortly after intro. This ideally would be observed at the store (even picking just at glass or decor in the tank).
Mine has taken to basically everything I put in the tank (flake, pellet or frozen). IMO, nothing gets by having this fish in a mature tank with lots of LR. Diversity is important, feeding an omnivore frozen food or angel diet frozen food at least a few times a week is good.
Well most fish are differnt, I've had a coral beauty for about 2 weeks now. I did some research on food of course. 1 is pellet food which he very rarely eats, 2 is the algae sheets which proved to be a waste of my money so far cause he wants nothing to do with the sheets. 3 is just buy some live rock and he'll feed off the algae on the rock, I have seen him eat the brine shrimp I toss in mostly for my niger trigger though. Just try differnt food like I am having to do.