Feeding a Bicolor


I've got a new, beautiful bicolor angel. Had him for three days! He's doing well, so far. I haven't been able to get him to eat flake or frozen yet. He nips at it and then spits it out, so I'm hoping I can find the right thing. He has, however, totally eaten a few pieces of macro algae that ended up in my QT. Can he survive on just macro? I could easily just keep feeding that to my main tank once he gets there.


Active Member
try soaking the food in garlic. When I feed my tangs seweed selects my grouper ignores it. When I sometimes soak it in garlic the grouper will eat it...although it is intended for my tangs and emperor...he jumps righ in.


thanks for the suggestions all - still begs the question, though, will my angel ( and the tangs and emperor that are still to be added to this tank) live on a diet of just macroalgae? if I can't get them to eat anything else? I'd be less worried about adding them to my display if at least they were eating macro.
I just tried frozen mysis soaked in garlic. The angel tried it - ate one bit and didn't spit it out. Did not, however, go after any more. I'll keep trying. At least I know he'll eat macro and won't starve!
The flame hawk that is in QT with the angel is eating the mysis, so I'm encouraged about him! I'm going to work him up to the fish mush that I feed the rest of my tank.


My coral beauty angel loves brine shrimp soaked in garlic. Hard to get it to eat anything else.


Active Member
Try brine shrimp to simulate feeding, but it has about as much nutritional value for saltwater fish as a Kit Kat Bar. You will need to get it eating somthing else too.