feeding a carpet?

skiper gre

It ate Friday and moved off the rock onto the sand bed overnight. It looks bigger and is low in the sand. The foot or trunk is buried into the sand and formed a sand hill around the trunk. In this hill there is what looks like a small anomie, could this be?? Hot do they reproduce?


Active Member
Thats funny my bangii did the same thing, hung out in front of the anemone till he got too close one day.....


Active Member
Looks like a ricordia to me too, but it's so ironic that a hitch-hiking ricordea appears after you get a carpet aneomne the same exact color.
Keep an eye on it as it grows up and let us know later.


I'm pretty sure they reproduce sexually. That pic sure looks like a little one, although it is probably just a Ricordea.
For he record my Carpet LOVES Bangaii's