Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...


I just bought a Harlequin Tusk Wednesday 5/19. He is doing awesome. I fed him some formula squares that are for Triggers and wrasses. He loves it. THe LFS gave me some fresh water live Goby (I think that is what they said the name was) Shrimp to feed him. He did eat a couple of them. I tried Krill, but didnt touch it yet. Is there anything else they love to eat that I should be giving him? Should I feed him once everyday?


He really loves these formula frozen squares for wrasses and triggers. I will try the Krill again. Thanks.



Originally posted by Carp31
How do you get the picture to open up in the text? It just post the link when I tried it?

Beautiful fish! Looks like it's Australian.
Hmm, never had the problem while linking my pictures when using the [image] tags adn my own personal webspace. Maybe your webspace provider is limited to just links?
You can also upload through SWF.com. Just make sure your picture is 500x500 and under a certain file size(i forget).


Thanks, He is doing really good. He still will not eat the krill. So I am just feeding him this formula squares. He just loves it. So do my tangs.


Good close up of my harliquin. Seems to really like his new home. Has a nice cave in the live rock for himself.