Feeding a lion fish


can someone please tell me what is the best way to feed a lion fish. I am think of getting one but I need to know how to feed it 1st. I heard you can feed it live food. if so what kind of live food? Please let me know how you feed a lion fish if you have one.. Thanks


Active Member
Best bet is to buy one that is already weaned off of live food. Have the LFS feed him frozen or freeze dried to prove it. If not already weaned you'll have to do it yourself. Just offer frozen krill, shrimp, squid, etc and move it around with a feeding stick. Lions hunt in the wind so they want to see their food moving. It may take from days to a week or more before the lion is hungry enough to take the food. Don't worry, it won't starve itself to death if it's otherwise healthy.
Once switched over to prepared foods just feed every other day or every third day. They'll develop their own schedule and only eat when they want.
Good Luck! A great fish and we really enjoy ours.


:D I agree completely.. I have a 10 inch volitan and a 3 inch fuzzy dwarf and they both were in the store for a while beofre i bought them. The LFS got them off live food and fed them krill. both of mine will come up to the top of the tank together and wait for me to drop food in. also i did feed them brine shrimp when they were smaller. they took both with no problems.
Here is something i posted to someone else a couple of weeks ago who asked the same question :)
You can get a dwarf lion or any lion to eat frozen. But sometimes it takes a little patience. I got mine to start taking frozen by feeding him a guppie so it put him in to hunt/eat mode. Then I would drop a piece of shrimp directly into the power head current, the shrimp would go flying across the tank and the lion would home in on the motion and snap it up.
After about a week I would float one piece away from power head then another in the direct flow. He finally got to the point where he would wait by the corner of the tank and inhale the dropped in piece. I think he liked the room service . Though every once and a while I would drop it in the power head current and make him work for his meal.
That worked for me. Hope it helps you !!
But after he went to eating frozen he ate chunks of clam , scallop , shelled shrimp and squid. Mine never really cared for frozen krill , i think he was just picky :p


Active Member
A clear acrylic feeder stick is a very valuable tool to wean a lionfish off of live food. If the fish is on live when you buy it, and there are more aggressive feeders in the tank, it will be that much harder to wean it. Generally, it can be done in less than a week. What other fish are in the tank and what size is it? Bo