feeding a pink and blue watchman help me


Active Member
i went to the lfs bought a pink and blue watchman
i know they they can wait for something for food to float by them and eat tht but in the lfs he came to the top when the lfs guy went to the tank vus he thought he was getting food. Now he dosent seem to have any intersest in my frozen brine he dosent come up to the top either maybe he eats but i dont see it (well not during feeding) so es been in there for 3 days so what do i do


Mine eats mysis, flake, pellet and a mixture I put together of shrimp, clams, scallops, octopus and garlic. So he pretty much eats anything that I put in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Maybe try feeding him something else?

hmmm like what? for food i have flake forzen brine and prime reef. (frozen food)
do you guys h ave any techniques
for feeding him?



Active Member
Try the prime reef, he may still be acclaimating, give it afew more days. Make sure the food is getting down to him, mine never came up to the top to eat, only ate what floated his way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Try the prime reef, he may still be acclaimating, give it afew more days. Make sure the food is getting down to him, mine never came up to the top to eat, only ate what floated his way.
right that is my problem i dont want to have toom much food go down to the bottom for him to eat and he dosnet see it or eat it so it raises my perameters like CRAZY!!! lol
or is it not a big deal


Active Member
Yeah it is a big deal, but if he is hungry, he will see it, not sure what their sense of smell or sight is, but my guys know when food is close by. so I would just place a very small amount near him, if he doesn't go for it, wait till tomorrow, if he eats it, try alittle more.


Active Member
hes hiding in a completely coverd cave that has one open side and he was in it facing the wall
showed noe interest in it!

now what give him another day


Active Member
Some of the food may have floated into the cave, and you just didn't see him eat it. Yeah, give it alittle more time, fish are sometimes known to go a week or more without eating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Some of the food may have floated into the cave, and you just didn't see him eat it. Yeah, give it alittle more time, fish are sometimes known to go a week or more without eating.
us there somehting i shoudl take precautions to if he dosnet start to eat?
will it take a month for him to die if he dosent eat so i can tell by looking at him if hes eating?


Active Member
No, it will die sooner then a month if it doesn't eat, let us know if its still not eating in a week, thats when you need to start being concerned. If its not being harassed, was properly acclaimated and your water is good, he should start eating before a week goes by. start eating


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
No, it will die sooner then a month if it doesn't eat, let us know if its still not eating in a week, thats when you need to start being concerned. If its not being harassed, was properly acclaimated and your water is good, he should start eating before a week goes by. start eating
my water conditions are good i acclimated him for a little over an hour
h likes to h ide in the cave but sometimes he likes to sit on top of the cave lol and watch tv when its on lol cus he looks out the side of the glass towards the tv lol(gotta put on the food channel lol)


Active Member
Yeah, turn on Emerell when hes doing seafood dishes, might tempt his appetite

Seriously, I thought he has been hiding since you got him, coming out into the open is a good thing, try feeding him then.