? feeding a purple tip sebae anenomie


just curious, do you HAVE to directly feed an anenomie? or do they feed themselfs? I have tried to feed it a small piece of shrimp, but it just lets it float off, it wont eat it. but it is still going strong. just wondering how they feed. thanks


Active Member
yes you will have to feed it directly, every 2 days will be fine, not every day, as for the cut up shrimp .... maybe its not hungry try again in 2 days, you can feed it brine and mysis if you want, if you feeding it live brine (which is fun to watch) use a net to feed it put the brine in the net and just put the net over the anomie, making a dome around the anome where the brine has really no where to go....
good luck


Active Member
I have 5 anemones in my tank now, 1 purple tip sabae, 2 purple tip yellow sabae, 1 long tentacle, and 1 green carpet, they all filter feed, IMO feed them silversides once a week, as a treat mine all do great:)