feeding a regal tang....

I just bought a tiny regal tang and was curious as the types of algea everyone feeds theirs. I dont want to rely on what the tank produces alone. Any particular brands or types of herbivorous food that would keep him happy?


Active Member
Well I have just bought a tiny tang myseld I love my baby blue;) I put garlic in their food and water to help keep ich away diffently get the Garlic Extreme By Kent Marine.My regal eats frozen brine shrimp formula one and the brown seaweed selects.He is the first to eat besides the bangaii and shrimp ill post a pic for ya.But I
would get the brown seaweed selects and place a little square in 2 times a week and in each cube of the frozen brine shrimp that it thatw out or stick it in the microwave for like 30 secs than add one drop of garlic extreme to each cube.Put one in the tank and my tang smells it and he goes and grabs it and carries it away lol:eek:
Try that Garlic helps fish eat and prevents diseases.
Hope This Helped,


I feed mine frozen brine and soemtimes he will take krill. I also feed it romain lettuce and marine flake food. (Mine is such a pig that I think that anything i throw in the tank he will eat)


Active Member
I also feed seaweed selects(green) and aquarian flake food. I have also heard of people going to an Asian market and buying Nori for much cheaper then seaweed. I have heard lettuce is not good at all to feed.