Feeding a wrasse


New Member
I have a 4" lunar wrasse who doesnt seem to be eating. I've tried both standard and frozen options (ie squid, shrimp etc.) Because of the aggresive nature of this fish, I of coarse do not have any invetabrates in the tank. I have heard stories of these fish ripping thru crabs and shrimp like butter. This would be an expensive feeding option. Last time I was at my LFS, I noticed freshwater crabs for about a buck each. Could I throw a couple of these into the tank for him to chew on? Am I better not mixing the freshwater critters into the salt? Any advice would be extemely helpful.


Has he eaten anything since you put him in there?
I'm guessing that the crabs offered at your LFS are either fiddler or red claw crabs?
They are usually found in brackish/salt anyways but will survive in f/w
Couldn't hurt to throw a couple in to get the wrasse used to eating in your tank...
As another temporary option, if you can find live ghost or grass shrimp, those would be good too.
good luck!


Active Member
Well i've never had any trouble feeding my wrasse. They'll eat anything from seawead to chopped up shrimp to squid to ghost shrimps to live minnows. Altho they dont like the squid as much. Check your water and inspect your fish.. this seems very odd a lunare not eating.
Then try mincing up a peeled shrimp and see if he likes it.


I would try shrimp with garlic extract or live brine. My lunar eats like its his last meal every day and rips shrimp out of my eels mouth and triggers mouth he is diefintlly the wildest fish in the tank.


Active Member
Try hand feeding . It will allow you to get the food to the fish you want a shoo the others away.