Feeding a yellow tang


Active Member
I have been told to cut back on feeding to help lower my nitrates. However, I have a tang and I've seen on here more than once that they need to graze all day. Do the algae sheets make nitrate problems worse?


Active Member
If your nitrates are high then we need to find the real cause of it. Reduced feeding only works when you are overfeeding them to begin with. What size tank do you have and can you describe your filter system? How many fish do you have? Are you using filtered water or just tap water. Do you do water changes? Are you cleaning out your foam prefilters or are they just collecting dirt?


Active Member
My trates are high because I was using tap water. I now do all water changes (20%) a week with RO. I have a 75 gallon with 100 lbs of LR and a coralife skimmer. I also have 40 lbs of LS. I just need to know how often I should be feeding, every day or every other day, and should I always have an algae sheet in the tank for the tang to graze on?


Active Member
I would keep doing the water changes until your nitrates are down to 0. Feed your fish once per day and always keep an algae sheet for your tang to feed upon.


Active Member
I wouldn't always put a full algae sheet in the tank for the fish to graze on. In my opinion, that is a bit excessive. You have 100 lbs. of live rock. If you feed a well-balanced meal full of vitamins, meat and veggies once per day, your tang will be very healthy. He has plenty to graze on with the 100 lbs. of rock. You could put a smaller sheet into the tank once per day, but if you are going to do full sheets/strips, I would only do that every other day.


I tear off a 3 inch by 5 inch approx... from my algae sheet and use that much every other day or so for my yellow tang and he is doing great!!!!


Active Member
I keep alot of tangs and herbivores tangs should be fed mutipal feedings concisting of aglae based foods with small amounts of meaty for protien.to keep down excess waste and keep prope nutrition I use thera+a pellets by spectrum in the am. then miday pellets + a bit of veggie flakes by omega one.pm feeding is a mixture of prepaired frozen foods mixed by species requirments that I keep daily.3 time per week I add shredded seaweed sheets to the mixture plus I add selcon and garlic extreme to each pm feeding for extra vit