Feeding a Yellow Tang


Active Member
Hi Guys,
My Yellow tang is growing nicely, but he looks quite thin. When I see your tangs on here they always look nice and juicy :D
I feed him Marine COmplete frozen food every other day, should i be feeding him anything else in particular?
Thanks for all your help,


seweed selects....you can use that so that they can graze everyday. I feed my tang about an 1.5 inch square piece everyday


Active Member
You can use nori also it is used to wrap some types of food. Other than that I don't really know.


When I had a tang, he always ate nori. I would clip it to the side of his tank and he would rip it apart.


Nori is dried seaweed.....used primarily for sushi rolls. Most up scale grocers carry it...also oriental stores...etc...it's not pricy..either...usually about 2.59 for a pack...and a pack last for months!!!


Active Member
Tim, Nori is the way to go. The above replies should help you find some at the grocery store. My tang has gotten practically plump on it. It seems most people clip theirs but I free float mine and my yellow tang, sixline wrasse, coral beauty and even clowns love it. Last night my little bitty neon goby had a mouthful hanging out and it was hangin on the side of tank trying to eat it. It was so funny, he finally got it all down. I'm convinced that the health of my fish is in a large part due to the nori. Here's a pic of a few of them having a nori party.


I have an acchlies. I use a rubberbad and tie sea weed selects to some pieces of rock. there is also algie on some of my rock that has grown. They usually just graze all day on it.
good luck


Active Member
LOL nori party....
OK I will pop down to my chinese supermarket soon and find some! One more q, does it affect ammonia like frozen food if you feed too much?


Active Member
Nope, it's seaweed. Word of caution, don't accidentally buy the roasted nori. I haven't seen it but I've seen people post that they bought it by mistake and the fish won't eat it.


When I got my yellow tang, he was really small and skinny. I started putting on a clip, nori, lettuce and baby bockchow. He graces all day. He is now a fat happy little guy. He doesn't miss a meal.
I feed him frozen formula 2, frozen spirulina and the aquarium flake food. I change his food around.


Active Member

Originally posted by jboothiv
I'm a bit confused about the 'Roasted Nori'. Is this one of the 'flavored' types? I've only seen and used one kind of nori. (I actually use it for sushi, but the tank gets some too). I get it at my local Asian Market and it is Nagai brand 'Roasted Seaweed Sushi Nori'. This is the only kind of nori they carry and the only kind I have ever seen. I was under the impression that all nori was roasted. That's how it's made.
I had a yellow tang that tore it up. My coral beauty loves it, snails and scarlet hermit crab too. Even the pods swarm over it.

Don't let me confuse you. You are probably right. I've just seen some people post that their won't eat "roasted". Mine is same we use for sushi too but doesn't say how it is dried/processed. I also feed a variety of flake, fresh frozen ,brine, mysid, krill.....


Active Member
Hi guys,
Well I have actually bought some specific tang seaweed that is dried, he ate a little bit but wasnt too fussed! I ahvent got a clip yet mind you! If they dont eat it how long should i keep it floating around?
Can you put any iceberg normal lettuce in there?


I have had 2 tangs living in the tank for years now and one looks healthy while the other is starting to brown on the backside a little. Will nori or lettuce help revive his color?
Or is he just getting old?