feeding aggressive fish saltwater snail and crabs


I got a deal on allot of nassuras snail and blue legged crabs and wont need all of them in my reef would be ok to put a few in the aggressive tank I realise that they will be eaten by the eel or the puffer but wont the like and in the mean time might them even eat a little algea


Active Member
Im not so sure the puffer will eat either. I know they go after shrimp but i could be wrong. The eel on the other hand shouldn't bother either.


Active Member
If you really want to see what they will go after look for a book called marine fishes by michael c scott tell you most anything youll want to know about the fish you can keep in a salt tank.


any one else I thought that a puffer and a snowflake would for sure eat them I was just wondering if it was any good for them


I have a SFE in my reef tank he only goes after my shrimp. I had to restock my peppermint shrimp 3 times already


Its doubtful they will eat them.
I had a Porc Puffer and Snowflake and they didnt touch my snails or hermits. Perhaps if they are large enough, they will....?


This is gus gus, he killed about 20 nasaurian snails in under a week. The eel won't eat them though, I have some in my tank with a zebra eel. He only likes things he can eat whole that are fleshy. zebra's and SFE's have a lot in common. gus gus and the zebra also both love ghost shrimp.


My puffer only went after my crabs when my trigger would yank them out there sheel, My opinion is to and the crabs and snails when the lights are off you should be alright,never had a problem with my SFE :notsure: he must of been a nice ell:)


Active Member
yes you can place them in that tank they will live for a while.your puffer my take them out eventually but in the mean time they will keep your tank cleaner.the snails seem to get eaten faster than the crabs do, at least thats how it worked in my tank with a very large puffer.