From what I've read and experienced, underfeeding is best..Some people don't feed them at all, others do it every 3 - 4 days. Shrimp, scallops, silversides are all good food, just feed small need to drop down a whole fish, it will just cloud your water and anenomes don't like dirty water. Anenomes will spit back up, any undigested/unused portion of their meal, many times this is just shell bits and stuff like that. You will need plenty of lighting to keep an anenome, but I'm sure the anenome police will visit you and explain that topic.
Sebae Anenomes usually don't last long in captivity. 8 - 9 months on a good stretch. Some people have kept them longer but they are usually the exception to the rule.
I tried Sebae's a few times, a long time ago...never worked out though. People buy them because they are cheap, and the LFS's keep stocking them, because they unfortunate cycle of life, death and commerce.
I have had extemely good luck with Bubble Tip Anenomes, and find they are easier to keep, (and better looking in my opinion).
Good luck with your Sebae, but... I doubt it will last (and I sincerely hate to say that)...
A simple Google search on "Feeding Anenomes" will bring up enough reading material to last you a week or two and maybe give you some ideas and help along they way...