feeding anenomes


I'll tried a couple of sebaes and when they showed their stomachs it meant they were very unhappy/uncomfortable/sick. They always died soon after.
I'm not wishing that on yours but if it starts to "deflate" and looks like there's a cloudy/milky substance coming out of it....it's dead...get it out of your tank quickly. When dead they really make a mess in a hurry.


New Member
It may do what you say after its done eating since that is the only hole they have to do anything with, so everything has to pass through it. food and excretion of processed food.

here fishy

I have had no luck with those in particular but my purple tube is fed with a prawn or piece of clam once or twice a week. I feed live brine in the tank once a week for my mandarin and sea apple and it gets some of those too. It turns itself inside out once in a while...If yours wander it will be more of a sign of it not being well. Best of luck <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Jim672 you may have thrown away a perfectly good anemone. Most will shrivel up , open their mouth and expell or rinse their stomachs releasing a milky mucas like substance. Ususally a day or so after feeding. My bubble tip does this regularly. I feed mine every two or three days a piece of fresh fish or fresh cocktail shrimp.