feeding brittle star ???


another brittle star post and question as a follow up to my "killer star" post. I have been trying to spot feed my star daily either larger pieces of frozen shrimp or mysis but sometimes I cant even find him hidden in the rocks to "hand him" his food. Would love to hear how others handle their brittle stars regarding feeding and keeping them happy.


Active Member
i use the kent extend feeding bulb syring with the little red prong. I take a piece of krill or silver side and lance the "food of the day" and poke under and by the rocks. If mine is hungry he throws his hand out kind of like "hey over here, come with the food" it take a couple of min for the smell to get to him. Once i find him i just hang the food by him he does the rest.


thanks sharkbait-how often do you feed him?
on a side note, I'm from Toms River and work in Wall--where do you go for your fish etc.. ?


Hi! I hand feed my brittle star the same way, whatever the food of the day is. I feed him a small amount of what eveyone else is eating that day everyday. but just a small amount, because I would still like him to scavange like he is suposed to. So far though, I think he is enjoying sitting in the rocks, getting fat :) boy has he got me trained. :happyfish


hottie, you and I are in the same boat--rarely comes out and sometimes I cant even find him to feed him. Do you have that problem too? and what do you do then?


I just kinda know where he is, he likes one certain little hole in the rock. for one thing, i feed everyone else first. This lets the smell kinda trickle down to him, and I will usually see his little arms start waving about. Then I just hand it to him, he wraps one arm around my finger and another around hte food. He does this ever day :) Sometimes it helps to find him before you turn the lights on in the morning with a flashlight. Its what has worked for me :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by segsig
hottie, you and I are in the same boat--rarely comes out and sometimes I cant even find him to feed him. Do you have that problem too? and what do you do then?
I have a hard time finding mine sometimes, but he is usually in the same area. I also feed mine with an extended prong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by segsig
thanks sharkbait-how often do you feed him?
on a side note, I'm from Toms River and work in Wall--where do you go for your fish etc.. ?
Not the much really, maybe 1 every............. checked out my records of maint and feeding. My green brit gets feed once every two weeks, one whole med size frozen krill soaked in garlic extreme once it thaws out. What hot said, you really want them to much. Keep them scavenge around the tank. I supplement his diet with meaty foods. Also like some one else said brits on the norm will find a favorite crack or crevice to live in. When i feed him i lance the "food of the day" and let it sit in the currant to get the smell wafting around the tank and that normally when his little hitch hiker thumb comes out and "waves" me over. He’s normally in the same spot every day.
On the side note. I shop all over. I'll tell you where not to go.....TROPAQURIUM in ocean twp, they sux the wang. Prices are outrageous for coral and the price of coral frags are joke 85.00 for a single red ric on a piece of live rock smaller then the ric. green hairy shrooms 75.00 so on and so forth. Test chemicals are out dated and some times on the expensive ones the date sticker has been pulled off and with a build up of dust on the residual glue from the sticker. No QT tanks low dose copper in the fish tanks, so called live rock is dead as dead can be, pure bleach white no color no life what so ever and they had the guts to try and sell it to me at 7.99 lb, (I told them to go pound salt) So yeah they sux. Oceanarium on RT 9 in Marlboro/ Manalapan is pretty good, once the owner sees some history building he'll throw you a bone or two and has a good selection. Animals and things is a joke when it come to corals and stuff like that. BUT A GREAT PLACE to get tanks and equipment. pet paradise SUX THE WANG ALSO. They got a guy (looks like weird al) he don't know his A
from a hole in the ground, try and say that brain coral don‘t need Mh lights and in the same sentence “but I can‘t figure out why the brain coral or residing, so all that shows is a coral skeleton”. Now being that I just nuked these places when it come to the staff knowing what the hell is going on and getting proper care advise, use the info on the board and the internet, if you know what’s what and how to care for the tank and can judge a coral or fish's health then go for it. What ever they tell you, take with a grain of salt. Most of the time they just want to move a product and have one clue as to what’s need to care for XXX None of this is slander, all true life experiences and opinion.