Feeding BrittleStar


New Member
Short question,
Planning on a brittle star and wondering what is the diet and feeding requirements of BS?

reef fool

Active Member
When I switched to my 125, I gave mine back to the LFS, but I used to feed him every 3-4 days also. I would put a peice of krill in my tongs and hold it down in front of where he hi. He would stick his arm out and grab it within 10 seconds. If you don't feed him enough, he may snack on sleeping fish at night. Especially the green ones, so I have read.
they are cool to watch. At night they sprint around the tank searching for a snack.


Active Member
They will eat just about anything, but I suggest things that are in more solid hunks, rather than stuff like frozen brine. Shrimp pellets are my personal fav, but silversides, krill, shrimp, squid, algae wafers...they will typically all be eaten. As for amount and frequency, that will depend on a number of things, like the size of the brittle, water quality, etc.
I agree, BTW...avoid the green brittle, a known predator. It may or may not be a problem, even if fed. But, frankly, all brittlestars and serpentstars run this risk, and will certainly finish off anything weak, stressed, dead, dying.
Remember to acclimate them very slowly, and to have specific gravity around 1.025 with everything else within ideal range.