Feeding broccoli to Tangs



I read that Tangs like broccoli, and it's very healthy for them. What would be the best way to feed them this? Just stick a piece in a lettuce clip, or chop it up and throw it on in?
Thanks in advance.


I would not chop it up and throw it in because broccoli sometimes floats and will end up deteriorating in your filter or tank.
I have always used a lettuce clip and it works great. Many times it took a few days of not feeding my fish any other food for them to begin nibbling on the broccoli.
I have found broccoli to be very nutritious. In fact, it is the only thing that worked for me to help heal lateral line disease in tangs (vitamin suppliments did not work at all).


My only other question is with lettuce clips
I use them for feeding seaweed every so often, but it always makes a huge mess in the tank. My trigger tears the stuff up, and before you know it, its all over the place

Is this bad, or is it ok since it's only seaweed?
Thanks again.

mr . salty

Active Member
Hey mitch, That depends on if they eat it, or if it sits and rots. If they don't eat it, I'd get it out of the tank. Try putting less in at a time. STEVE


I have stopped my fish from tearing up sea weed by rolling a piece up and putting it in the clip. The fish don't tear through that many layers and tend to nibble more.


while feeding terrestrial vegetables to tangs and what not does not appear to do them any harm it does not really do them that much good either, as many of the vitamind essential to their health are not found in terrestrial vegetables, or even freshwater plants and algae for that matter. The same way as freshwater animals such as feeder goldfish or mysis shrimp are not as good for carnivorous saltwater fish as saltwater food. So why bother with lettuce or whatever when yu could just feed them something much more nutritious, such as nori or Spirulina flakes. OSI brand are good. You can also use them as phytoplankton to feed your corals.


My tang loves spirilina flakes, but won't accept nori, so I feel I have to give romaine sppinnach broccoli etc to make sure he gets enough roughage. And plus I soak them in Vita-CHEM multi-vitamin for marine fish (with stabalized vitamin C and they're tissue and water soluable) and quickly blanch them. He seemed so much happier after I started regularly feeding terrestial greens and spirilina flakes.