feeding chocolate chips


I just recieved a chocolate chip star fish and two hermitt crabs as a gift they acclimated well and have been in the tank for about 3 or 4 days. The crabs are cruising around the tank eating all kinds of algea and anything that gets in there way. I usally do alot of reasearch first before buying any new fish, but because these were gifts I have no idea what they eat, can you please give some tips on what i should feed these guys. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
hcolate Chip stars eat meat. They will eat anything too slow to get out of thway - ornamental shrimp, other star fish - make sure you feed it often - Frozen brine shrimp, pieces of fish too.


Whats the best way to go about this. I put in a couple peices if krill but my watchman goby and trigger get to it first also most of the food i use floats. do i need to put the star fish on top of the food?
Get rid of it! it is evil! I had one and it was a pain in the @$$. It ate the brittle stars that came with my swf.com package and then worked on my mushroom corals. I took it back to the pet store.


Active Member
I have three of these stars and I luv em. They will eat other stars, but I have had my 3 for 8 months with snails, hermits and shrimp and they never bother anything. Mine are happy eating seaweed. I just put a piece underneathe them and they eat it.