Feeding coral?


Is there any food product for corals that does not need water movement to work properly? The problem is I picked up this stuff called marine snow for the one mushroom rock i have and it says you need to have water movement then it says to turn off all mechanical filtration, and my only filter on the tank is an aquaclear 500. One more question how do you know if you mushroom coral, or yellow polyp is eating or not? Will either of them eat brine?


Just use a piece of airline tubing placed near the coral to spot feed. Stick the tubing in the bottle, cap the other end with your thumb, put the end down by the coral, then uncap the other end. HTH


You can tell by noting its overall health. I use a turkey baster to feed my corals. I take out a small amount of tank water and drop the appropriate amount of food into the water and then suck it up into the turkey baster. I then simply slowly squeeze it into the coral.