Feeding Damsels???


Well then CONGRATS! I personally think damsels are too agressive for me, but they are cute little things with awesome colors!


Originally Posted by Patriot54
How often do you have to feed damsels or for that matter any fish?
I started with 3 green chromis damsels cause I heard they were the least aggressive. Love my little guys Reese, Malcom, and Dewey. I feed them twice a day but going to cut back. Tank getting some algae and cyano problems.


Active Member
Id say once a day for damsels. Some feed less often but I know I would be unhappy if I didnt get fed at least once a day

Only feed them what they will eat in one feeding. If you are feeding flake or frozen.. whatever.. just throw a little in.. if they eat it all, put some more, and then if there is anything left over dont give them more.
Good Luck


Active Member
I feed mine once a day, they eat Flakes, small spectrum pellets, Mysis Shrimp, and leftover raw shrimp bits leftover from their tankmates..
They are not too aggressive for me...LOL..if they can survive their tankmate.


Active Member
Same here I look at it this way the one I had a yellow tail could not survive my 2 foot SFE either that or my Bursa or DFP got him for a snack one day because he came up missing in my move to my new house.


Not to aggressive in my tank either except for the tomato clown which is kind of a damsel I guess. I feed twice a day about a medium portion. They will survive on once a day but won't grow much which may be a good thing depending on the size of your tank.