Feeding Fish


When you feed frozen formula 1 or 2 do you slice the cubes up, or throw it in the tank whole and let the fish chew3 @ it


I just throw it in, let the powerheads do the mixing. Fish have to chase there food. Good excercise for them.
Works for me.


So are saying the formula 1 or 2 will brake down in the water? it seems to be frozen in a gel that stays together like spam


I give it a couple of minutes stuck to the pwrhd, then squish it through. Any big pieces my sailfin gladly takes care of.


Active Member
I thaw all of my frozen food out in a cup of tank water, and soak everything in Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem, and garlic.
You need to thaw frozen food, especially food items that are in a gel binder like ocean nutrition's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I thaw all of my frozen food out in a cup of tank water, and soak everything in Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem, and garlic.
You need to thaw frozen food, especially food items that are in a gel binder like ocean nutrition's.

Yep that's pretty much what I do. I may throw it in the microwavfe for 5 - 8 seconds to speed up the thawing out process.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I thaw all of my frozen food out in a cup of tank water, and soak everything in Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem, and garlic.
You need to thaw frozen food, especially food items that are in a gel binder like ocean nutrition's.
Silversides, all of it.
Absolutely. Fish with a freeze head-ache.