feeding fish


Is there one type of food that clownfish, blue reef chromis, and yellow tangs will eat so i only have to have one kind of food. I kind of only want simple dry foods. Thanks

michael r

There likely is a single food you can feed all of the fish, but a healthful, varied diet is just as important as putting your fish into a cycled tank. No single pellet can eliminate the need for one.


Active Member

Originally Posted by DSBdude
Is there one type of food that clownfish, blue reef chromis, and yellow tangs will eat so i only have to have one kind of food. I kind of only want simple dry foods. Thanks
Your Tangs are herbiovores while the Chromis and Clownfish prefer meaty foods. You should plan on getting some varied foods for these fish. Pizza is good but every day
(even for breakfast)




Originally Posted by metweezer
Your Tangs are herbiovores while the Chromis and Clownfish prefer meaty foods. You should plan on getting some varied foods for these fish. Pizza is good but every day
(even for breakfast)


Thanks steve, but can you be more specific on the foods and maybe show a basic schedule of what you would do for feeding if you had these fish. Thanks for the help!


Active Member
I alternate between frozen and dry every other day, I feed formula 1 and 2 pellets from ocean nutrition, and frozen mysis, plankton, and sprulina brine shrimp on the other days. (ibuy the cubs, and put them in a little bit of tank water and add vitamins and garlic and let them sit for a while before feeding), and algae sheets for the tang


seriously, i just want dry food for clowns and damsel/chromis. I don't want to mess with any shrimp. I guess if it is impossible, i'll get shrimp but i want to know if there is any meat alternative?


Active Member
The foods described above can also be purchased in freeze dried and pellet form (although as Journeyman said frozen are the most natural

If I were you. I would just get frozen food too if the only reason you aren't getting it is because you think it's a hassle to feed your fish with it. It's really easy though. I used to only want dry food because I thought frozen was too messy. Turns out all I needed to do was pop a cube out, cut it in half, throw it in. Simple as that. I would keep a butter knife or something to cut it with in your refrigerator. Since many families think sharing their knives with fish food is pretty nasty.