feeding food while still frozen?


can you feed frozen silversides to the triggers while still frozen or it's better to wait until they defrost?


Keep in mind that fish are poikelothermic, their body temperature being the same as the water they live in......injesting frozen foods can cause this process to go awry as well as causing gastro-intestinal problems.
At the very least you'd be giving him a very bad "ice cream headache"....always thaw.


Its interesting to get so many different strategies used on our water friends! Whether we thaw out their food or just toss it in frozen? My preference is to thaw it, but by doing this I take the time to also sit and watch them eat. Only time I would throw frozen in would be if I was in a hurry and not taking the time to watch them. We learned the hard way that it is always best to take your time and watch closely. We lost a beautiful Queen Angel by being in a hurry one day. She grabbed a piece that she couldn't digest or swallow properly and she choked to death. This has happened twice now, earlier with another fish, so now we thaw and watch. Reason we know it choked, we saved one by doing a fishlick maneuvre! LOL. Sounds crazy, but it worked.


Everyone has heard of the heimlich (not sure of spelling here guys) maneuver when someone chokes? You know, grabbing around the body and applying force, pushing object up and out of the throat or mouth...With the fish we jokingly call it the fishlick maneuver...I know....booooo...but it worked on a fish that was choking on a piece of food for us. Honest!!