Feeding Frequency


New Member
I have not long setup my tank and would like some advice on feeding frequency, I have the following.
1 x Volitan Lion Fish
1 x Panther Grouper
1 x Blue jaw Trigger
1 x Snow flake eel
1 x Imperator Angel
The Lion will eat every day if I put in feeder fish and the Grouper will only eat live at present can any one suggest a feeding frequency.


If you are feeding your lion FW fish, please either attempt to wean it to frozen foods or feed it ghost shrimp instead. FW fish are very bad for lions, as they cause many health problems. As for your grouper, it will take frozen if you offer it, they are very greedy eaters, and will not pass up a meal if they are not offered anything else. (In case you're wondering, yes, I have a 200gal grouper tank, so I am speaking from experience) Also, be mindful of the trigger with the lion, triggers are notorious for nipping fins such as the flowing fins of lionfishes. As for frequency of feeding, I would suggest 2 small feedings/day. This does not mean feeding to saturation, this is simply a few feeders to the lion and a light-moderate amount to the others. If you overfeed, you will likely have problems with waste buildup and water quality issues. HTH